Algérie - Autopsie d'un Massacre (Bentalha et Rais)

Le Massacre de Bentalha est un massacre qui s'est déroulé à Bentalha, à environ 15 kilomètres au Sud d'Alger, en Algérie, dans la nuit du 22 au 23 septembre 1997. - Massacre de Bentalha

The Rais massacre, of August 29, 1997, was one of Algeria's bloodiest massacres of the 1990s. It took place at the village of Rais, near Larbaa and south of Algiers. The initial official death toll was 98 people killed and 120 wounded; CNN said that hospital workers and witnesses gave a toll of at least 200, and up to 400. The figure given by the Algerian government to the UN Commission on Human Rights (E/CN.4/2000/3/Add.1) was 238. The BBC later quoted the figure of 800 killed. - Rais massacre